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Team17将在夏季发售一个像素游戏《脱逃者:行尸走肉(The Escapists: The Walking Dead)》,平台有XBOX ONE、PC。游戏结合了《脱逃者》的玩法和《行尸走肉》的故事元素,主角仍然是Rick Grimes,不过与漫画不同的是,他这次要脱狱。

 Graphics: Intel HD Graphics 4000, Nvidia GeForce 8000, ATI Radeon HD 4800 Series 

 Additional Notes: Note: In some instances, systems may require model specific drivers. If your system manufacturers no longer support hardware under this category, it may not be possible to run this title. Should this be the case, we are unable to assist you and recommend that you pursue support from your respective system manufacturer.


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